Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 8 - Sat. Sept. 10, 2011

So fairly good week this week. we just got back from Cheboygan with our new mattresses so i'm excited to go to bed tonight! :) haha anyways we did a training meeting two days this week so this is how the routine went. got up at 630 and got ready. bear lake elders got to our apartment by seven b then we drove over to church hopped in the zone leaders truck the six of us. (small truck it was crazy) haha drove one and a half hours to get to mt pleasant by 9. was in meeting till noon then we went to subway for lunch. then went back for more meetings till four. talked with other elders till five then drove clear back home. haha the Zls went back to their apartment in traverse city. while bear lake stayed the night to save miles. so since it was late we went to herradrrus. the mexcian place down the street. that was really good i starting to love that place we usual go there for lunch on wednesdays with a member. then we came back and i cut elder Rawlins and Blackhurst's Hair! haha i've been come the hair cuting person because i cut weston and kyles before i left. ha ha then we went to bed. woke up and did the same thing all over again. except when we got home. bear lake went home and we went to branch presidency meeting. haha then thursday we went out to manton and saw the grossers an elderly couple. they were splitting would with their splitter. so we started stacking for a bit then we did one pile and went to do the other but they made us go in and talk because they didn't want us to do to much. so we went in talked for a while. then we left... well drove down the road a little bit then snuck back and started stacking more of it till their garage opened. haha respect your elders till they say stupid stuff like that then pretend to accept it then do it anyways behind their back... only when its something good! then we went and stopped by a referral that was GOLDEN to older ladies that were interested and one of them had kids in the church. so we hopefully will have so new members soon. then i've been working on my talk for sunday. faith hope and forgiveness. remember 9/11. i'll send it home after i give it.
been thinking a lot really just about missions and all that stuff. its crazy being out here but i love it. and people are always saying that your so good to take your time and serve the lord. i'm not taking my time. i'm having the privallige of serving the lord. actting in his stead. because if the Lord had his way he would be down here on Earth helpping everyone of us with our needs because he truly does know them. but thats not how it works. thats why i'm here acting in his stead and his name. anything i do the Lord will bless me and help me as long as i try to help his children. remember anything involving the church a calling, a form of a mission, service, this that. your doing it in the Lord's stead so he will bless you. you can accomplish amazing things if you don't let what people think or say to you about it get to you. its between you and the Lord thats it. just thought i'd share that thought with you since thats what was on my mind. haha hope that was spirtual.
oh pictures these are just a few while driving down roads just outside of towns to appointments look at all the green....
Love Elder Peterson

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